Friday, 19 December 2008

Fold Final

I couldn't import the original photographs of the word blowing away. Instead I imported a Photoshop document containing each letter on a separate layer. This enabled me to move each individual letter across the page using my photographs as a guide and to a certain degree, accurately portray the movement of the letters as they are blown away.

Fold Animation

Importing the final images into After Effects turned out to be a lot simpler than I had anticipated. You import them as a sequence rather than individual images, this enables you to simply experiment with the distance between each key frame (in this case each jpeg image). I stretched the frames over a 10, 5 and 2.5 second to get an idea of how quickly or slowly the word fold will animate.

10 seconds...

5 seconds...

2.5 seconds...

Importing Into Photoshop

I imported each photograph into Photoshop. I removed the gray background and added a shade of red to each fold.

Fold Transition 2

The following photographs show three separate attempts at trying to fold the word away. As you can see the result isn't as affective or as visually appealing as blowing the letters away.


haha funny! (

Fold Transition 1

The following photographs show six separate attempts at trying to blow away the letters at the right speed. At the second attempt I noticed I could blow the letters in a certain way that meant that the 'D' collided into the letter 'L'.